
Showing posts with the label Forever iVision


OVERVIEW Our eyesight is the most important senses, 80% of what we perceived comes through our senses of sight. It is therefore important that we do all that we need to do to protect it, thus reducing the odds of blindness and vision loss. There is growing need for us to take care of our eyes because constant exposure to Ultra Violet (UV) rays and other pollutants. Our present day diets also is a cause for worry as most lack the nutritional needs of the eye. BLUE LIGTH AND THE DIGITAL EYESTRAIN Most people spend majority of their working hours staring at different devices-  smartphones, laptops, TVs. These devices are threat to our vision, for they emits light that is made up of electromagnetic particles that travels in waves. These waves is a spectrum, consisting of different colors among which is the blue light. Studies have shown that constant exposure to the blue light end of the spectrum could cause long term damage to the eyes because our eyes do not provide sufficient protection