
Showing posts with the label Prostate Enlargement

Infertility In Women and Men, Natural Reversal Pack

  Infertility is becoming a global health concern. Out of every 10 marriages contracted, 4 have issues with fertility.  Infertility is the inability to conceive in 12 Months after having an unprotected sex. Fertility is a chain of events that must take place for pregnancy to be brought to bear. These processes are : Release of viable egg from woman's ovaries Healthy sperm must fertilized the egg in its journey through the fallopian tube to uterus  Fertilized egg must successfully be embedded in the lining of the womb (implantation) Any interference in the above process could lead to infertility. Infertility is not peculiar to women alone as mostly believed in Africa. Its a problem shared among couples. Its often 1/3 woman, 1/3 man and 1/3 both. It is therefore important couples should both seek help when infertility is established.  Female Infertility  The female anatomy is a complex one that need to be in perfect condition for reproductive purposes. Her sex functions, reproductive


  Prostate is a small, muscular gland in male reproductive system.  It is a  walnut-sized gland in men, located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum, surrounding the urethra – the tube that carries urine out of the bladder. The prostate produces and stores fluid that helps to make semen. For some reasons, as man advances in age, say above 40years, the likelihood for the Prostate to enlarge increases.   Prostate diseases are: Prostatitis -   inflammation  of the Prostate Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH )- Prostate Enlargement  Prostate Cancer - when the cells of the Prostate  begin to grow and divide more rapidly than normal cells do. ASTONISHING IGNORANCE As important as this gland is to men, most men are either unaware of it or and its importance to their general wellbeing. Prostate challenges affect majority of men above the age of 50. This is evidenced in various ways: waking up at night 4-5 times with increase urgency to urinate,  painful urination and other subtle s