Infertility In Women and Men, Natural Reversal Pack

 Infertility is becoming a global health concern. Out of every 10 marriages contracted, 4 have issues with fertility.  Infertility is the inability to conceive in 12 Months after having an unprotected sex. Fertility is a chain of events that must take place for pregnancy to be brought to bear. These processes are :

  • Release of viable egg from woman's ovaries
  • Healthy sperm must fertilized the egg in its journey through the fallopian tube to uterus 
  • Fertilized egg must successfully be embedded in the lining of the womb (implantation)
Any interference in the above process could lead to infertility. Infertility is not peculiar to women alone as mostly believed in Africa. Its a problem shared among couples. Its often 1/3 woman, 1/3 man and 1/3 both. It is therefore important couples should both seek help when infertility is established. 

Female Infertility

 The female anatomy is a complex one that need to be in perfect condition for reproductive purposes. Her sex functions, reproductive organs, hormone control should all be in tip-top condition. The following are what may cause infertility in women generally:

  • Infrequent Menstrual Periods, where ovulating is not predictable due to irregularities in menstrual circle, its often difficult for egg to be fertilized.
  • Age, plays a major role in women fertility. This is because women are born with finite egg and such, the numbers start diminishing from age30 as well as the quality of the egg. 
  • Uterine Fibroids or Endometrial Polyps, uterine abnormalities can interfere with implantation of the fertilized egg. The extent to which fibroids can prevent pregnancy depend on the numbers, location and size.  
  • Weights, is also a factor to consider while planning for babies. Overweight could be a cause of infertility and underweight can also be a contributing factor as well.
  • Infections (pelvic infections or STD), sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea can cause inflammation of the fallopian tube.     

Male Infertility

Just like female, the male counterpart also contribute to infertility in the following ways:
  • Healthy Sperm, it is not just enough to produce sperm, its equally important for the sperm to be healthy, that is, it should of normal shape and well structured.
  • Sperm Delivery, this is essential to fertility in male. Sperm should be properly delivered into the vagina. A sluggish and non-motile sperm may post a threat to fertility. Most men with prostate issues  tend to have challenge with sperm delivery.
  • Sperm Counts, there is need for adequate number of sperm (sperm counts) in the semen for it to be able to fertilize the partner's egg.  
  • Lifestyle, habits such as smoking and alcoholism for instance, decreases sperm counts as well as motility. Eating food high in calories from sugar or fat, with low dietary fiber only contribute to toxins build up. Some drugs like antibiotics could affects reproductive organs. 

Reversing Infertility Naturally

Infertility in male and female is on the increase mostly because of diets. Diets play major role in almost every disease we are experiencing in today's world. The cells are the building block of human system. Cells provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from the food to carry out important functions. Cells group to form tissues, and tissues become organs. It is therefore important, that the basic building blocks are well nourished, for organs to function optimally. Be it irregular menstrual circle, uterine fibroids, low sperm counts and other causes of infertility, all of these can be prevented or reverse organically through nutrition and lifestyle changes without the use of prescriptive drugs. Infertility simply means that, something is wrong with the system. This is mostly caused by toxins overload which has the ability to alter hormones and cause damage to vital organs.   
The secrets to fertility is therefore one's ability to eating certain foods and avoiding some. Eating more of plant-based foods, whole fruits and vegetable is important to conception. Sea food rich in omega-3, fatty acids, whole grains and fruits rich in antioxidants. Limiting the intake of trans-fat, highly processed carbs, caffeine and all artificial sweetener. Detoxification is also important to fertility because it allows organs perform its functions effectively. Engaging in light exercise is a great way to boosting fertility in both male and female.

The Role Of Supplement In Boosting Fertility

Nutritional supplements, just like the name suggests, are designed to make up for nutrients deficiency in our foods. Supplementing our diets can make a dramatic impact when it comes to the issue of infertility, when done properly. Its almost impossible to get or cook balance diets these days because of so many obvious reasons. Our farming and fishing methods have changed over the years leaving so much to be desired. Many organic supplements are designed to help cover the nutritional gap created by many of today's lifestyle. Some of these supplement have been proven to prevent infertility or aid fertility and promote general wellbeing. There are several supplements in the market today, however, the one I have been using and recommending in the last 10years is Forever Living Products. Forever products has received several seal of approval from international organizations (Kosher, Halal etc.) and have been approved in over 160 countries!

Forever Living Products, is a leading manufacturer of high quality and organic supplements. Established over 43years ago in Scottsdale Arizona, in the United States. Forever products have proven over the years to help boost fertility without any side effects. Below are products combination and few of the testimonials of those who have used the products for fertility issues:   

Women Fertility Pack: 

Berry Nectar

  • Contains all the benefits of Aloe Vera Gel
  • Contains cranberry and apple juice which cleanses urinary tract infection
  • Supports digestive functions
  • Help with womb problem
  • Helps kidneys and liver detoxification

Royal Jelly

  • Fights of signs of aging
  • A strong hormonal tonic, boost fertility
  • Packed with antioxidants 
  • Help cognitive function and repairs brain cells
  • Good source for lactation

Vitolize For Women

  • Specifically designed with woman's needs in mind
  • Helps with proper hormonal functions
  • Prevent infection by supporting urinary tract health
  • Enhances estrogen optimal performance
  • Supports healthy menstrua circle 

B12 With Folic Acids

  • Help with the development of foetus in the first 3 Month
  • Aids in red blood cell formation, DNA synthetic and brain function
  • Promotes growth
  • Enhances the formation of red blood cell
  • Help maintain homocysteine level
  • Vegetarian friendly  

Fertility Pack For Men:

Aloe Vera Gel

  • Promotes healthy digestive system
  • Helps body detoxification
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Boost energy level
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals

Multi Maca

  • Improve quality of sperm and sperm counts
  • Helps promote libido, stamina and energy
  • Increase sexual arousal in both men and women
  • Good for hormonal imbalance
  • Also  very good ally for female fertility

Vitolize For Men   

  • Designed specifically for men's health
  • Contains proprietary blends of potent herbs that promotes Prostate health 
  • Protect the Prostate against free radical damage
  • Contains Zinc, Selenium and other minerals that supports Prostate health






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