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OVERVIEW Our eyesight is the most important senses, 80% of what we perceived comes through our senses of sight. It is therefore important that we do all that we need to do to protect it, thus reducing the odds of blindness and vision loss. There is growing need for us to take care of our eyes because constant exposure to Ultra Violet (UV) rays and other pollutants. Our present day diets also is a cause for worry as most lack the nutritional needs of the eye. BLUE LIGTH AND THE DIGITAL EYESTRAIN Most people spend majority of their working hours staring at different devices-  smartphones, laptops, TVs. These devices are threat to our vision, for they emits light that is made up of electromagnetic particles that travels in waves. These waves is a spectrum, consisting of different colors among which is the blue light. Studies have shown that constant exposure to the blue light end of the spectrum could cause long term damage to the eyes because our eyes do not provide sufficient protection


  OVERVIEW The issue of low libido or rather low sex drive is becoming so prevalent even among younger supposedly active people. The reason is not far-fetched, wrong lifestyle choices is the main cause. It is common these days to find much younger people trying to look for stimulants or drugs enhancing performance. This often leaves much to be desired as it leads to more health complications such as prostate challenges or infertility or sexual dysfunction issues. The purpose of this post is to look at low libido or low sex drive holistically and proffer a lasting solution to it naturally.   CAUSES There are several factors that can lead to low sex drive. It is also important to state here that the issue of low sex drive is not just a male issue, it also important to know that low sex drive also affect women. Causes of low sex drive can be as a result of: # Medical conditions -chronic kidney disease # Hormonal levels - low testosterone # Medication -drugs use for treating Di


  UTERINE FIBROIDS Fibroids are non-cancerous protuberance or tumor that developed at the inward or external segment of the uterus.   These benign growths of smooth muscles can vary from size of a bean to being as long as a melon. Fibroids affect about 30% of all woman by the age of 35 years, and about 20% to 80% by age 50years. They often develop between ages 16-50years, their reproductive age when the levels of estrogen are higher.  A study found that between 80% and 90% of African–American women and 70% of white women will develop fibroids by age 50years.     CAUSES Although the exact causes of fibroids are yet to be known, genetic factors and lifestyle plays major role in the development of the ailment. Stress and physical activities can also be an ally in the development of fibroids says another study. However, most doctors and other findings believed that hormonal changes and genetic factors are the major causes of fibroids. Hormonal changes most times lead to  ESTROGEN DOM

How To Lose Weight Naturally

  Obesity is undoubtedly one of the biggest medical challenges of the 21st century. This is so because the  issue of weight has become a global epidemic because of its ability to create other health challenges, such as; heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, gall bladder disease and gallstones osteoarthritis, gout, breathing problems- such as sleep apnea & asthma. Although its not everyone who is obese has these problems, the risk rises if one have a family history of one of these conditions. Convectional wisdom used to be that one's weight is determined purely by nutrition and activity level. However, we now understand body weight to be more than simply a function of behavior. Genetics, socio-economic status, environments, stress, and overall health all play a role in one's weight. Additionally, how well or poorly we sleep can affect our weight, as sleep loss is one of the risk for being overweight.  Also, where your weight is may matter. If it


The decision to try for baby is a huge mile stone in life. It requires steps which many are unaware of. Of importance as well, is what kind of babies do you want to bring to the world - a healthy and intelligent baby or deformed physically challenged babies? In the last 2 decades, there are increase in cases of child defects. It is estimated that 1 out of every 33 in the United States is born with some form of defects or the other. Birth defect is something visibly abnormal, internally abnormal, or chemical abnormal about new baby's body. Birth defects may affect appearance, organ function, and physical and mental development. Some birth defects occur in the first 3 months of pregnancy, that is, the formative stage of vital organs. While some birth defects are harmless, others are severe which most times need long time medical attention. Birth defects account for leading cause of infant death globally. Birth defects might be caused by genetics, infection during pregnancy, exposure

Infertility In Women and Men, Natural Reversal Pack

  Infertility is becoming a global health concern. Out of every 10 marriages contracted, 4 have issues with fertility.  Infertility is the inability to conceive in 12 Months after having an unprotected sex. Fertility is a chain of events that must take place for pregnancy to be brought to bear. These processes are : Release of viable egg from woman's ovaries Healthy sperm must fertilized the egg in its journey through the fallopian tube to uterus  Fertilized egg must successfully be embedded in the lining of the womb (implantation) Any interference in the above process could lead to infertility. Infertility is not peculiar to women alone as mostly believed in Africa. Its a problem shared among couples. Its often 1/3 woman, 1/3 man and 1/3 both. It is therefore important couples should both seek help when infertility is established.  Female Infertility  The female anatomy is a complex one that need to be in perfect condition for reproductive purposes. Her sex functions, reproductive