How To Lose Weight Naturally


Obesity is undoubtedly one of the biggest medical challenges of the 21st century. This is so because the  issue of weight has become a global epidemic because of its ability to create other health challenges, such as; heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, gall bladder disease and gallstones osteoarthritis, gout, breathing problems- such as sleep apnea & asthma. Although its not everyone who is obese has these problems, the risk rises if one have a family history of one of these conditions.

Convectional wisdom used to be that one's weight is determined purely by nutrition and activity level. However, we now understand body weight to be more than simply a function of behavior. Genetics, socio-economic status, environments, stress, and overall health all play a role in one's weight. Additionally, how well or poorly we sleep can affect our weight, as sleep loss is one of the risk for being overweight. 

Also, where your weight is may matter. If it's mostly around your stomach (the "apple" shape), that may be riskier than if you have a "pear" shape, meaning that your extra weight is mostly around your hips and buttocks.

The good news is that losing a small amount of weight can reduce your chances of developing heart disease or a stroke or other challenges associated with being overweight. Losing even more weight has been shown to lower the risk even more.

Getting The Act Of Losing Weight Right 

Losing weight has to start with a decision to do all the necessary things needed to lose every unwanted, unhealthy fat. You need to look in the mirror and say "this is not my real self" and then go on to visualize a new you. You also need to know and always keep your WHY  in mind. Your WHY is the reason you want to lose weight; could be for health reason or for your loved ones or any other reasons. Once the WHY is established, then you are on your way to enjoying a great journey of fitness and health.

Here Are The Most Important Steps To Losing Weight   

Exercise: This is a great way to burn calories & improve both mental & physical health. Research has shown that obesity is partly caused by sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended that adult should get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five days a week. Studies have found that aerobic exercise - such as walking, running, swimming - can cause major reductions in belly fat. Exercise has several other health benefits which includes, boosting of mood, improve sex life and to even adding to your life span, amongst others. 

Diets: Overweight is often caused by eating too much and moving too little. By consuming high amounts of energy, particularly fat and sugars, and not burning off the energy through exercise and physical activity, much of the surplus energy will be stored by the body as fat. Obesity is often the result of poor diets & lifestyle choices, eating large amounts of processed or fast food. Eating healthy food is so significant to maintaining healthy weight. Eating food high in protein can boost metabolism which in turn helps to burn calories. Eating whole, single-ingredient food is also a great way to weight lose.

Sleep: Getting enough sleep is a great way to healthy lifestyle. Not having enough sleep can create an imbalance in hormones which could lead to binge eating. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when people were starved of sleep, late night snacking increased and they were more likely to choose high carb snacks. In another study done at the University of Chicago, sleep-deprived participants chose snacks with twice as much fat as those who slept at least 8 hours. Sleep deprivation has been link to release of hormones which promote over eating leading to obesity. It has also been known that not having 6-8 hours of sleep can slow down metabolism. 

Take Probiotic: Probiotics are live bacteria that have loads of  health benefits. Gut health is important for a healthy weight. To lose weight in a natural and healthy way, your gut should be functioning at its best. Probiotic help bacteria balance in the gut thus promoting healthy digestive system. A recent review of well-designed studies on probiotics and weight loss in people with overweight and obesity suggests that probiotics can help you lose weight and lower your body fat percentage.

Supplements: In these days & age, supplementing our diets is one of the best decision that can help maintain a healthy weight. This is because supplements that are organic help in detoxification & supplies the body with the recommended vitamins & minerals to maintain healthy weights. Supplements are believed to help weight loss by several mechanisms of action, including increasing energy expenditure, increasing satiety, increasing fat oxidation, blocking dietary fat absorption, modulating carbohydrate metabolism, increasing fat excretion, increasing water elimination, and enhancing mood. According to Dr. Surender Meraveder, nutritional supplement will make a dramatic impact on our health and quality of life when done right.  


C9, is a combination of 5 organic supplements to help the entire body system lose unwanted and unhealthy fat and keep the body in right shape. C9 is a 9 days cleansing program to help the body get rid of toxins. Its a known fact that we are living in the most polluted times in the history of the world as most of the air we breath in is contaminated and our foods contains toxins. Toxins in our body is one major contributors to obesity and many health related diseases. 
The C9 pack is specifically designed to help the organs get rid of toxins so the organs can become efficient in their responsibilities. Its a 9 days program to aid total body detoxification, weight loss ( of up to 9kg) and help with lifestyle change. C9 pack has proven over the years to be effectively and efficiently rid the system of toxins, ultimately leading to weight loss. Below are few testimonials



Losing as little as 5kg have been established to have tremendous health benefits 💪


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