The decision to try for baby is a huge mile stone in life. It requires steps which many are unaware of. Of importance as well, is what kind of babies do you want to bring to the world - a healthy and intelligent baby or deformed physically challenged babies? In the last 2 decades, there are increase in cases of child defects. It is estimated that 1 out of every 33 in the United States is born with some form of defects or the other. Birth defect is something visibly abnormal, internally abnormal, or chemical abnormal about new baby's body.

Birth defects may affect appearance, organ function, and physical and mental development. Some birth defects occur in the first 3 months of pregnancy, that is, the formative stage of vital organs. While some birth defects are harmless, others are severe which most times need long time medical attention. Birth defects account for leading cause of infant death globally.

Birth defects might be caused by genetics, infection during pregnancy, exposure to certain drugs or medication or combination of these factors. Some common birth defects are, heart defects, cleft lip or palate, spina bifida, phenylketonuria, sickle cell anemia, Down syndrome etc. 

"Birth defects affect every aspect of someone's life, it affects the entire family in so many different ways emotionally, financially" says Mateus, a mother going through caring for physically challenged child. Its often an agonising experience with moments of embarrassment. 

The Good News

Although, birth defect seems to be a mystery, most are preventable occurrence. Birth defects are divers, affecting different structures in the body. Each specific birth defects results from different cause, some of which could be genetic. Lifestyle also play a key role in the health of baby to be birthed. Harvard Health Publishing believes that certain vitamins and antioxidants food may protect against DNA damage. Dr. Shruti Jain, Fetal Medicine & Genetics Specialist at Kailash Hospital Sector advises women to get adequate diet, necessary vaccinations, timely Ultrasounds, follow safety measures and manage preexisting health conditions to ensure a safe delivery. 

Below are few steps necessary for the prevention of birth defects

  • Avoiding Alcohol and Smoking: These habits should be discontinued as much as possible, the moment plans for having babies have been put in place. This will save the fetus from taking in damage this may cause it because whatever the mother feeds on will be passed on to the unborn baby through the umbilical cord.
  • Certain Medication: Consult your health provider before taking any medication and if you are currently taking any, discuss this with him as well. Try to avoid over-the-counter medication
  • Infections: Certain infections can affect babies in the womb resulting in birth defects. All forms of infections should be treated even before conception occur to avoid complications during birth
  • Avoid Hot Tubs, Saunas: This is important especially during the early stages of pregnancy. Heat and developing babies are not a great match because they are not yet fully formed in the the first three months.
  • It is important to maintain healthy weights to reduce the risk of complication during pregnancy and also of importance is prenatal appointments with doctors regularly.

Why Supplementation Is Important

The joy of every mother is to have her baby delivered, safe and sound. And so, every intending mother should do everything possible towards this goals. It is a known and established facts that the modern day food lacks vital nutrients to keep every human being healthy. The present day foods are laced with different chemicals, additives, Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals etc. All of these are being passed on to the fetus through the umbilical cord of mother hence the prevalent rate in defective babies in recent times. Every pregnant woman need certain amount of vitamins and minerals and other nutrient for the proper development of fetus. Organic supplements are designed to specifically cover up the nutritional gag created by the unwholesome eating habits. 

The Forever Organic Supplement Option

I hereby recommend these organic supplements by Forever Living Products (FLP) based on research. Forever products are organic products that has global acceptance and have been endorsed by different international health professional bodies because of the products purity and consistency over the last 43 years. Forever is in control of process of all its products, from cultivation to harvest to production, storage and till it get to final users.

Below are products suggestion for healthy pregnancy and delivery

Forever B12 Plus

Forever B12 Plus combines vitamin B12 with folic acid to help produce red blood cells, improve the way iron is used in the body to boost immune system. This makes it a very important vitamin every woman planning to get pregnant should consider taking.

Research has shown women who consume healthful diets with adequate folate throughout their childbearing years may reduce their risk of having a child with a defect of the brain or spinal cord. Anencephaly and spina bifida are the most common neural tube birth defects and have been linked to folate deficiencies. 

Forever B12 plus have been packed in nature's benefits with a time-release formula that keep you properly supplied with B12 for hours. It features an advance delivery system to help ensure maximum nutrient absorption, so you are getting the most out of every dose. Forever, combines B12 with folic acid in a ground breaking time release formula to help support metabolic processes, assist in production of red blood cells and promote a healthy immune system.  

Arctic Sea Omega-3 

Omega-3 are long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential nutrients for health and development. Omega-3 has been found to be essential for both neurological and early visual development. Increase intake of omega-3 reduce the risk of allergies in infants, prevent pre-term labour and delivery and may increase birth weight. Despite all the benefits derivable from omega-3, the body can not synthesise it, have to get it through diets or organic supplement. 

Forever Arctic Sea contains the two most beneficial omega-3; EPA and DHA. These two occur together and work together to support the heart, immune system, inflammatory response, brain and central nervous system. This is why they are uniquely important to pregnant and lactating women.  Forever Arctic Sea Omega put the ideal proportion in an easy to take softgel with pleasant citrus flavour and aroma. Forever Living Products sourced its omega-3 not from one but four pure fish oils from cod, salmon, anchovy and sardine to harness the unique nutritional benefits. 


Aloe Berry Nectar

During pregnancy, the growing uterus and roller coaster hormones lead to a relax and fuller bladder which makes getting urinary tract (UTIs) infections easier. Cranberry is a traditional remedy for UTIs. Research has shown that drinking cranberry juice may help prevent bacteria from sticking to the sides of bladder and urinary tack thus preventing bacteria growth in the urinary track.

Forever Berry Nectar is a combination of stabilised aloe vera gel, cranberry and apple. Cranberry provides a high vitamin C content as well as powerful anti-oxidants while apple is a great source of vitamin A and C. Forever Aloe Berry Nectar is a unique drink for its benefits on urinary tract infection and reproductive system. It is a refreshing drink that not only aid digestion but pack with phytonutrients and vitamins to prevent bacteria invasion of the urinary tract.     


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