Studies show that since the 1940s approximately 87,000 synthetic new chemicals have been produce in the United States alone. The European Chemicals Agency estimate that there are more than 144,000 man made chemicals in existence! Each and every second 310kg of toxic chemicals are being released to our AIR, LAND and WATER by industrial facilities around the world. More than 3% of these chemicals have been tested for cancer causing properties and some for hormonal disrupting properties. Over 2,000 of these chemicals have been added to our food supply while over 10,000 chemical solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives are being used for food processing.

Much of today's foods are genetically modified. Millions of acres of genetically engineered crops are being cultivated and supplied across the globe annually. Dairy cows and other animals meant for human consumptions are being injected with different kinds of growth hormones

Your Body Is Screaming For Detoxification

According to Dr. Don Colbert, "we are living in the most polluted times in the history of this world.  

  • Much of our air is contaminated
  • Most of our water is tainted
  • Our food usually contains toxins " 
Toxins, are compounds that are detrimental to cell function or structure. Our body naturally process toxins through the liver, kidneys and lower intestines. These organs must  function optimally for toxins to be adequately removed from the body before it damage the tissue. If  these organs become overtaxed, toxic build up is inevitable. 

Toxin build up initially expresses itself through minor symptoms like headaches, tiredness, body odor, acne...but later leads to life threatening diseases like High Blood Pressure, cancer, organ failure, hormonal imbalances, diabetes etc.  


Toxins find their ways into our system through several ways; food we eat, water we drink, air we breath and sometimes through personal and skin care products. Some of the culprits are:
Trans Fat, (such as margarine, fried foods) have been found to be harmful especially in the arteries as they block or make the passage narrow.
High-fat, Processed Meat and other Dairy Products, these are mostly filled with unhealthy fats, and are often contain antibiotics. 
Caffeine, is like a drug which we easily get addicted to. Its also over stimulates and may weaken the adrenalin. Caffeine often times interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
Drugs and Medicines, are also sources of toxins in the body. Medicines are broken down in the liver which often overwhelm the liver. Most prescription drugs result in serious side effects.
Environmental Toxins, such as pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, food preservatives... can all contribute to toxic overload.
Personal/Skin Care Products, are often overlook because they are use on the outer skin. This is a serious misconception because most skin care products contain heavy metals which most times find their ways into the bloodstream. 


What you don't know about detoxification may be killing you, seriously! The entire body system is being bombarded by all manners of toxins daily. The organs taxed with the responsibilities of detoxification are continually being overwhelmed hence they break down causing toxic overload. According to United States Food and Drug Administration, the average male age 50 has  between 5 and 22 pounds of compacted fecal matter stuck in his digestive system! As time tick by, this build up leads to serious life threatening ailments like organ failure, cancer, hormonal imbalance. Research has shown that more than 200 degenerative diseases are caused by toxic overload. One of the most famous and  respected surgeon in American history, Dr. Harvey Kellogg of Battle Creek, Michigan, wrote "of all the 22,000 operations I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon"  
According to Laurentine T. Bosch "no matter how healthy our diets or lifestyle may be, external factors still require us to give the body a chance to recharge and dispel anything that may be holding it back from experiencing superior health and long lasting vitality"


Like I already mentioned earlier, the organs taxed with the responsibilities of detoxification are: liver, kidneys and lower intestines. These organs need to function optimally for toxins to be effectively removed from the body. The starting point to healthy system is to cleanse  the system of toxins build up over the years, to allow the organs taxed with the responsibilities of detox perform its role again.
Although, there is need for lifestyle change  (which you will be coached and guided on how to go about), the system needs to be thoroughly cleansed organically. And one of the safer, effective and natural way to cleanse the organs of toxins is through the use of C9 pack!

C9, Your Natural Detox Combo 

C9 Pack,
is a combination of 5 organic products, high in vitamins, minerals, fibers and other vital nutrients. The C9 pack is manufacture by Forever Living Products, of American. Forever specializes in production of organic food supplement and has been around for over 40 years. The C9 pack is specifically designed to help the organs get rid of toxins so the organs can become efficient in their responsibilities. Its a 9days program to aid total body detoxification, weight loss (up to 9kg) and help with lifestyle change. C9 pack has proven over the years to be effective with lots of testimonials ( see below) 



Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera Gel
  • Healthy digestive system
  • Helps to detoxify
  • Reduces High Blood Sugar
  • Immune booster
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Aids absorption of nutrients 
  • Helps with weight loss

Garcinia Plus

  • Temporarily inhibits the body conversion of carbohydrates into  fat
  • Helps reduce cravings and suppress appetite
  • Designed to complement healthy lifestyle and weight management goal 
  • Vegetarian friendly

Forever Fiber

  • Supports normal blood sugar level
  • Supports healthy heart
  • Relieves occasional constipation
  • Relieves occasional constipation
  • Supports healthy heart

Forever Therm

  • Normalize metabolism and increase energy level 
  • Keeps the body in good shape and increase stamina
  • Strengthen the walls of  blood vessels
  • Stimulate brain activities
  • Helps weight loss

Ultra Lite

  • Zero cholesterol and lactose
  • Contains protein enzymes which helps in proper breakdown and absorption of protein
  • Has all the essential amino acids to support human life
  • Supports muscle build
  • Contains soy protein instead of whey


Giving your Health Priority is the Key to Happiness Now and in the Future😎💪


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